Monday, November 28, 2011

Simply Photos

Red flowers on the old school style fence on an impeccable lot at Springmount Ave and Rosemount Ave, Toronto
I guess they are fake since I took these pictures 3 weeks ago and they are still there today.
November 19, 2011 - Views from my kitchen window in the morning

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yes, it's more photos of R2. What can I do? Photograph another few.

A new face of R2 which many people have likely not explored. 668 Queen West from a different perspective. I was amazed by the sheer number of "NO PARKING" signs, the creative graffiti, and the old structures. And how slow an SUV must drive to fit through the laneway. 

I believe that photography should make a subject better than it is through perspective, and I think this photo fulfils that
Check out the double reflection in the window of the furniture shop across the street, and Reza Y chilling outside R2

RIP Rob Ford

Now here's a halloween decoration that made me laugh and turn my bike around to take a quick snap of! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blockage on College

College Street this Saturday around Ossington was blocked off for workers to dismantle a crane used to put up the new building in the pictures. This was just one section of many sections of the crane, but gives some insight as to the question of how a crane is set up in the first place. Respect for the workers - with such heavy pieces of machinery to make a small mistake could be disastrous. Pressure is on!

It was fun to watch for a while until I was almost late for an appointment to see a great apartment on College with chickens in the backyard!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Curb Alert Toronto #2

Last week while the weather was uhhhmazing I cycled aimlessly around the streets between Queen and Davenport and found this gem. It's a clothes stand I think. I doubt that it's still there, but in case you're in the neighbourhood, the address is 874 Manning.

I then found out the landlord is renting! Here are a couple shots of the interior details.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Reza Making the Orange Mocha

Reza making an orange mocha!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Colour me Beautiful

I'm looking for a good opportunity to use these beautiful pastels from my mom. It will not involve drawing on the sidewalk, unless it's a very special sidewalk.